Treasures of Chinese Porcelain

Exhibition on May 4, 2023

Chelsea College of Arts, BG Alcove

Process Details

Press Release Video and supplementary transcript text

This below video contextualizes the porcelain piece within a museum canon/context playing in the lines between how museological methodology sit between reality and constructed fiction through imagination. The piece is designed with traditional conceptualization with importance to numerology and the object as having “prosperous properties”. In this video, Carter Tam, V&A researcher and local artist interviews Lars Tharp, porcelain collector. Carter is so overcome with fervour about porcelain that he becomes sickly and then turns into porcelain. Thus leading Lars to consume Carter, and take control of the interview.


Included in this show is the painting “Porcelain Desire” from 2022, modified to be a scroll, measuring 177cm x 180cm. The plinth is hand constructed measuring 125cm x 59cm x 59cm with a tread plate top, and hole cutout for a video press release contextualizing the porcelain piece above. This porcelain piece, “Three Dragons” is hand painted on porcelain ceramic with each panel measuring 51.5cm x 20.5cm mounted and housed in an acrylic “glass” case measuring 75cm x 59cm x 59cm. During the display of this work there was a performance in which Carter Tam is disguised as a bodyguard, invigilating the artwork seriously prompting not to touch.